Escape to Umbria
Weekend in Assisi. Welcome at the hotel, typical dinner in a nice restaurant to taste regional specialities, city tour with audio guide.
3 Days
Meeting point
€ 202
Travel agency PERUSIA VIAGGI
Sistemazione Gruppi
sistemazioni individuali
Organizzazione Eventi

Umbria my Love We offer you authentic and engaging experiences always with an eye on costs. We offer you our long experience in tourism and excellent knowledge of Umbria.

Presente nel panorama turistico umbro da oltre quarant’anni ha da sempre coniugato la propria vocazione turistica della classica agenzia di viaggio con quella legata al turismo ricettivo per accogliere turisti italiani e stranieri e condurli alla scoperta delle bellezze della nostra regione


Weekend in Assisi.

Welcome at the hotel, typical dinner in a nice restaurant to taste regional specialities, city tour with audio guide to discover Assisi in all its beauty, visit to the Bosco di San Francesco, FAI heritage site, 64 hectares of unspoilt nature at the foot of the Basilica. Only 3 days of holiday, it is true, but the beauty of Assisi and Umbria will conquer you!

  • Weekend holiday package in Assisi for a minimum of 2 people
  • 3 days/2 nights stay at Hotel Le Grazie *** in Assisi
  • Weekend: from Friday to Sunday
  • B&B treatment in a Standard double room

The "Escape to Umbria" weekend package can be customised on request. If you have special requirements, prefer a Comfort room, are coming to Assisi with your family and would like a triple or quadruple room, do not hesitate to contact us.

What is included
  • Two nights in a Standard double room
  • Breakfast
  • One typical dinner, drinks not included, in a restaurant
  • Audioguide of Assisi
  • Entrance to the Bosco di San Francesco heritage F.A.I.
  • Civil Liability Insurance
  • Medical Baggage Insurance
What is not included
  • Transfers to/from Assisi
  • Other excursions or experiences bookable on site
3 Days

Weekend in Assisi.

Welcome in the hotel, typical dinner in a nice restaurant to taste regional specialities, city tour with audio guide

1st DAY | Arrival in Assisi and dinner in a typical Umbrian restaurant

Arrival at the hotel and dinner in a typical Umbrian restaurant to enjoy regional specialities.

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2nd DAY | Visit to Assisi and the Sacred Wood of St Francis

A day dedicated to Assisi with a visit of the medieval town, with the help of our audio guide, and the FAI heritage site Bosco Sacro di San Francesco, a path of peace and beauty in 64 hectares of Umbrian countryside and 800 years of history, winding for two and a half kilometres among hornbeams, oaks, woodlands, cultivated fields and ancient works of man.

Climbing to the top of a 14th-century tower, you can admire the "Third Paradise", a work of Land art that the master Michelangelo Pistoletto donated to the FAI: the design of a revisited infinity is formed by 121 olive trees arranged in double rows that create three large circular elements tangent to each other, with the largest one in the centre, and a 12-metre-high steel pole symbolising the union between heaven and earth. The artist's invitation is to walk the serpentine path between the rows and become part of the work: a reflection on the desirable coexistence between man and nature, symbolised here by the third sphere.

Possibility of transfer from/to Assisi on request.

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DAY 3 | Departure

See you at your next holiday in Umbria!

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Via Campo di Marte, 24a (06128) Perugia PG