By bike along Francesco's Way from the North
To experience Francesco's Way along the Via del Nord
6 Days
Meeting point
Città di Castello
€ 834 a persona

Umbria&Bike si è specializzata nella creazione e organizzazione di tour in bicicletta nel “Cuore verde d’Italia”, proponendo offerte di varia difficoltà e tipologia, in base alle esigenze del cliente.

Umbria&Bike è una realtà costituita da esperti del settore, grandi appassionati di ciclismo e profondi conoscitori del territorio e delle opportunità che questo offre agli amanti delle due ruote. Attraverso queste professionalità Umbria&Bike si è specializzata nella creazione e organizzazione di tour in bicicletta nel “Cuore verde d’Italia”, proponendo offerte di varia difficoltà e tipologia, in base alle esigenze del cliente, ma tutte caratterizzate dall’autenticità e dalla bellezza dei luoghi toccati e dall’alta qualità dei servizi offerti. 

Organizzazione tecnica

The Via di Francesco is a highly suggestive naturalistic and spiritual path that crosses Umbria from north to south, touching the most beautiful cities in the region, but above all the most important and significant Franciscan places. A bicycle itinerary that will allow you to pedal surrounded by greenery, but at the same time to understand the spirituality and mysticism of these lands, meeting the locals, who each time surprises us with their hospitality and authenticity.

The Northern Way starts from the sanctuary of La Verna, in Tuscany, and then crosses Sansepolcro, Città di Castello, Pietralunga, Gubbio and Perugia before reaching the Sacred Convent of Assisi. A wild and challenging itinerary, which will make you discover little known places and roads, but which requires a good level of training to overcome a series of challenging climbs. An experience that fascinates, regardless of the religious aspect. A holiday that everyone can interpret in their own way, with a pilgrim spirit or simply enjoying the beauty of the route and the naturalistic, artistic, cultural and food and wine excellences.


Arrival in Assisi in the morning, leave the car and move by car to the Sanctuary of La Verna, from where the first stage by bicycle begins. You can visit the suggestive sanctuary, nestled in the woods, before setting off by bike. You will cross Pieve Santo Stefano, before skirting the Montedoglio lake and then arriving in Sansepolcro. Dinner and overnight in the structure


You will leave Sansepolcro behind to cycle in the countryside between Tuscany and Umbria. The only climb of the day is the one, quite steep, which will lead you to the village of Citerna. From here continue towards Città di Castello, making the most of the dirt cycle path that runs along the Tiber river. Dinner and overnight in the structure


One of the most demanding stages of the entire Northern route, with two climbs to overcome. The first is long and regular, immersed in the woods, which alternating dirt and asphalt will lead you to Pieve de 'Saddi. The second is shorter, but steep, just before reaching Pietralunga, a small village in the countryside, ideal for relaxing and resting. Dinner and overnight in the structure

4th day: PIETRALUNGA-GUBBIO (24 km)

Leaving Pietralunga behind, you will cycle on roads immersed in the green of Umbrian nature, almost completely free of traffic. Also in this stage you will have to face two climbs, but not too demanding. The last kilometers before arriving in the heart of Gubbio will be completely flat. Dinner and overnight in the structure

5th day: GUBBIO-VALFABBRICA (33 km)

In the morning sightseeing tour of the city with the Gubbio Express. Another stage that flows in the nature of the Umbrian Apennines and which will bring you significantly closer to Assisi. Along the way you will have to face two climbs, which will give you wonderful views over the surrounding valleys before arriving in the small historic village of Valfabbrica. Dinner and overnight in the structure

6th day: VALFABBRICA-ASSISI (22 km)

Assisi is almost upon us and the few kilometers to cover will allow you to arrive easily. You will have to overcome only a few ups and downs in the first part of the day, while the last kilometers, which alternate dirt and asphalt, flow into the Umbrian plain from where you can already see the unmistakable profile of Assisi. Time to discover the city

Experiences to enrich the program

Assisi: entrance to the FAI San Francesco Wood, entrance to the Bartali Museum, visit to Roman Assisi

Città di Castello: visit to the Burri Foundation, entrance to the Grifani Donati Typography

What is included

From € 834.00 per person in a double room

The price per person in a double room includes

  • 5 nights in accommodation along the route
  • Half board treatment (drinks not included)
  • Sightseeing tour with the Gubbio Express in Gubbio
  • Transfer with private van from Assisi to La Verna
  • Umbria & Bike Kit
  • Pilgrim's Credential
  • Europ Assistance travel insurance
What is not included

The fee does not include

  • Extras and tips
  • Extra night in Assisi
  • Gpx tracks or detailed road map
  • Luggage transport
  • Bicycle rental
  • Suggested experiences
  • City tax where applicable
  • Means of transport
  • Anything not expressly indicated under "the fee includes"
6 Days
Valfabbrica-Assisi (22 km)

Assisi è ormai alle porte e i pochi chilometri da percorrere vi permetteranno di arrivare con facilità. Dovrete superare solo alcuni saliscendi nella prima parte della giornata, mentre gli ultimi chilometri, che alternano sterrato e asfalto, scorrono nella pianura umbra da dove potrete già scorgere il profilo inconfondibile di Assisi. Fine servizi. Partenza prevista nel pomeriggio.

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Via Settevalli, 320 (06129) Perugia PG