Northern route of the St. Francis Way
9 Days
Meeting point
€ 1400 persona

Francesco’s Ways, è costituito da quasi 150 aziende ricettive, ristorative e dei servizi a supporto dei Cammini. L’attività del Consorzio è di tipo promozionale, ma anche commerciale, tramite la creazione di pacchetti personalizzati

 Il Consorzio si occupa della promozione del territorio, finalizzata alla commercializzazione di prodotti turistici nell’ambito del pellegrinaggio e del turismo religioso e dei Cammini. La sinergia delle numerose strutture ricettive, attività ristorative e dei fornitori di servizi posizionati lungo i Cammini immette sul mercato un’offerta completa e diversificata, capace di soddisfare le molteplici esigenze dei clienti. Il Consorzio si propone anche di migliorare l'immagine del territorio, di promuovere azioni di tutela, e di sviluppare la qualità dei servizi di ospitalità. Promuovendo e commercializzando sul mercato l'offerta turistica religiosa e dei Cammini, si offre come punto di riferimento per gli operatori turistici della domanda sia italiana che estera. 

Organizzazione tecnica

In the footsteps of St. Francis crossing the heart of Italy. A pilgrimage to the land of the beloved saint, to get in touch with its extraordinary life experience that never ceases to fascinate.

What is included

8 nights in specialized lodging - half pension in a twin/double or single room, bag lunch (for groups of min. 10 people) – printed guide

What is not included

Transfer of people / baggage from structure to structure. Light lunch. Insurance. For pre-established groups, tailor-made quotations and the possibility of personalized itineraries, contact us. 

Personalized Pilgrim’s Credential issued on request.

9 Days

8 nights in specialized lodging - half pension in a twin/double or single room, bag lunch (for groups of min. 10 people) – printed guide

day 1
Arrival at La Verna and start of the journey. La Verna is not only the starting point, but one of the most sacred and engaging places of the entire journey. The stage is of medium difficulty. The climb is progressive, but there are some steep parts, which will serve to accustom your legs to the journey to Assisi. 15 km.
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Day 2

Every path has its impossible challenge, the section that we despair of finishing. The distance and the steep climbs from Pieve Santo Stefano to Sansepolcro make the walking difficult, but maybe this is an appropriate way to know St. Francis’ “perfect joy”. Have faith, you won’t be disappointed. Set off early and don’t rush. You can break distance into two days, or use a transfer to reach the destination. Total 36 km.

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Day 3

Short and relatively easy walk in Tuscany and Umbria. You can enjoy a visit to Sansepolcro, a town historically linked to pilgrimages, and then reach the town of Citerna in a little less than 4 hours, where the route in the land of Francis, Umbria, starts. 13 km.

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Day 4

Today's journey has a pleasant progression. From the harsh Apennine landscape of the previous stages, we move on to the sweeter landscape of the Upper Tiber valley. The climbs are not demanding and you walk in the silence between fields, vineyards and hillside villages. Citerna - Città di Castello 20.5 km.

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Day 5

The stage from Città di Castello to Pietralunga is long, and can be split with an intermediate stop or shortened by using a transfer. Leaving behind the linear geometries of the piazzas of Città di Castello, you walk through forests and under the open sky to reach one of the pilgrims’ favourite places, Pieve de' Saddi. The path continues up and down toward Pietralunga, where you can enjoy being welcomed to a peaceful small village. 31 Km.

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Day 6

This stage from Pietralunga to Gubbio is long, but fortunately, its many climbs and descents can be faced with tranquillity. The first part moves silently among mountain valleys, and the second is entirely flat. Arriving in Gubbio is a reward for the effort, not only because of the area’s beauty, but also because of the close ties uniting St. Francis to this town. It was here that Francis was welcomed at the start of his way to conversion, and this is where his famous encounter with the wolf took place. 26.2 Km.

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Day 7

The Gubbio – Valfabbrica route traces, in reverse, one of St. Francis’ most important journeys: after making the prophetic gesture of stripping himself of all property before the bishop of Assisi, he went towards Gubbio. Along this road, he proclaimed himself “herald of the Great King” to the brigands who attacked him. He came to a monastery, where he was reluctantly welcomed and put to work as a scullery boy. There is a good bit of climbing, but you can split the stage with an intermediate stop or use transfers to reach the destination. Total 35.4 km

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Day 8

After the long days of walking, between fatigue and joy, between climbs and descents, the pilgrim's journey in the footsteps of St. Francis ends. After some difficult ascents, you will reach the tomb of the Poor Man of Assisi, conclude your tiring journey there, and meditate on what the path has taught. Last 14.5 km.

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Via Settevalli, 320 (06129) Perugia PG