Enogastronomia, arte e natura
Quattro giorni in Umbria tra nastura, arte, cultura ed enoogastronomia
4 Days
Meeting point
Travel agency MARFIL VIAGGI

La Marfil Viaggi opera a Spello dal 1994 , e la nostra preparazione nel settore è ultra ventennale. Organizziamo vacanze con una precisa filosofia: offrire viaggi di qualità in piena sintonia con i desideri personali.

Umbria is a region where the food, wine, art,culture and architeture are the equal of any in Italy. Norcia with is truffles, cheeses and hams , for example is a gastronomic centre par excellence Orvieto's Duomo is one of the country finest cathedrals; Assisi majestic Basilica di San Francesco contains frescos by Giotto.Umbria stunning landescapes, delicious food, fine wines, art,history,nature,strategic position to visit Italy, friendly and welcoming atmosphere.Several itineraries are available to discover our beautiful green region.We will guide you through our charming medieval towns walking alone stone alleys an old buildings of Perugia, Todi, Orvieto, Spello, Spoleto, Montefaco, Trevi, Bevagna, Gubbio.All our itineraries are studied to combine art, history and delicious food and wine.You will exsperience an unfortegabble journey through the food culture and tradition of our beautiful region. Meet the farmers and discover the secrets of our local products.Umbria offer many opportunities to performer outdoor sports and enjoy nature.Discover the heart, soul and spirit of Umbria through our Sants and holy places.Civil wedding in Umbria are celebrated in palaces and castels, Catholic Churches are disponible for Catholic ceremony


 1° giorno Arrivo e trasferimento a Gubbio. Sistemazione in hotel . Cena e pernottamento.

 2° giorno. Prima colazione e partenza dalla gola del Bottaccione per l'inizio di un trekking urbano che porta a Gubbio , attraversando in escursione l'acquedotto per arrivare al Palazzo Ducale e al Museo Diocesano. Si prosegue per la Fontana del Bargallo per arrivare al quartiere San Martino. Tempo libero a disposizione . Rientro cena .

 3° giorno Prima colazione e partenza per Assisi .Sistemazione in un resort . Picnic in vigna . Dopo pranzo visita guidata resa da professionisti abilitati ,della città di Assisi. Rientro in hotel e cena. 

4° giorno Prima colazione e partenza per la visita di Spoleto. Al termine pranzo in un ristorante tipico. Nel pomeriggio visita e degustazione in una cantina di Montefalco. Cena in hotel .

4 Days

4 days of food, art and nature

Arrival and transfer to Gubbio

Sistemazione in hotel . Cena e pernottamento.

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2° giorno

Breakfast and departure from the Bottaccione Gorge for the start of an urban trek to Gubbio, hiking through the aqueduct to reach the Ducal Palace and Diocesan Museum. We continue to the Bargallo Fountain to reach the San Martino quarter. Free time at disposal . Return for dinner .

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Day 3

Breakfast and departure for Assisi . Accommodation in a resort . Picnic in the vineyard . After lunch, guided tour of the city of Assisi, provided by professionals authorised to do so by the Region of Umbria. Return to the hotel and dinner.

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Day 4

Breakfast and departure for a tour of Spoleto with a guide service provided by professionals qualified to do so by the Region of Umbria . At the end lunch in a typical restaurant. In the afternoon visit and tasting in a winery in Montefalco. Dinner at the hotel .

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Via della Centrale Umbra, 19 (06038) Spello PG