Umbria, the Way of St Francis (groups)
Guided pilgrimage along the Via di Francesco, discovering silence, spirituality and peace, from Tuscany to Umbria, from Chiusi della Verna to Assisi, together with our expert hiking guide.
7 Days
€ 1444 a persona
Esplora l'Umbria con itinerari autentici, dove ogni luogo offre spunti interessanti.
Sistemazione Gruppi
sistemazioni individuali
Guide multilingua

Agenzia di viaggi e Tour Operator. Una terra ricca di meraviglie troppo spesso nascoste agli itinerari classici... noi vi faremo conoscere tutto il resto!

  • Affitti vacanza
  • Pacchetti vacanza
  • Viaggi su misura
  • Crociere
  • Biglietteria aerea
  • Liste nozze
  • Last minute trips

This 7-day tour includes accommodation with half board in the various facilities (hotels or agritourisms), lunch for each stage (boxed lunch), a guided tour of Assisi and lunch in a local restaurant in Assisi on the last day before departure. Also included is the luggage transport service from one hotel to another and the transfer in the event of pilgrims' reduced physical capacity during the journey to cover the distances indicated.

Contract terms

Payment terms:

30% payment for confirmation and balance 25 days prior to arrival.

If it is impossible to travel due to government restrictions caused by Covid 19, the deposit will be returned to you.

If there are other reasons for cancellation not imposed by government regulations, the deposit will be retained.

What is included
  • Accommodation and overnight stay 6 nights in 3-star hotels or Agritourism with breakfast and dinner included.1 night in La Verna, 1 night in Pietralunga, 1 night in Gubbio, 1 night in Valfabbrica, 1 night near Pool, 1 night in Assisi;
  • Accommodation in a double/twin room (or other type of room depending on the group);
  • Accommodation of the hiking guide in single room with breakfast and dinner included;6 dinners in hotel - drinks included;6 lunch baskets for each stage;
  • Lunch in a local restaurant in Assisi before departure - drinks included;
  • Excursions and visits as per programme (including entrance fees to museums and other places of interest);Guided tour of Assisi with private tour guide;
  • Tour guide for the entire trip (in English, Italian, Spanish or other languages on request);
  • Transfer from Pieve Santo Stefano to Pietralunga;
  • Luggage transport service from one hotel to another;
  • Transfer in the event of pilgrims' reduced physical capacity during the journey to cover the distances indicated;
  • Travel kit, programme and itinerary of the tour;
  • Administration and booking fees;
What is not included
  • Accommodation taxes to be paid at the hotel or farmhouse; extra transfers and meals; tips, and everything not mentioned above.
7 Days

Guided pilgrimage along the Via di San Francesco, discovering silence, spirituality and peace. We will walk together along the Via di San Francesco from Tuscany to Umbria, from Chiusi della Verna to Assisi, together with our expert hiking guide who will provide valuable information along the way.


Arrival of pilgrims in Chiusi della Verna, accommodation in the hotel in the reserved rooms, dinner and overnight stay.

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The Sanctuary of La Verna is located in the Tuscan Apennines. The mountain, covered by a monumental forest of beech and fir trees, is visible from all over the Casentino and the upper Val Tiberina and has an unmistakable shape with its summit (1283 m) cut vertically on three sides. Above the fortress and surrounded by the forest is the large complex of the Sanctuary, which in its massive and articulated architecture holds numerous treasures of spirituality, art, culture and history. In the summer of 1224, St Francis retired to Monte della Verna for his customary periods of silence and prayer. During his stay, he asked God to allow him to participate with all of himself in the Passion of Christ, a mystery of love and sorrow. The Lord listened to him and appeared to him in the form of a crucified seraphim, leaving him as a gift the seals of his passion. Francis thus also became the exterior image of Christ to whom he already bore so much resemblance in heart and life. The event of the stigmata and the example of his life are the most precious possession that Francis gives to the brothers of La Verna. The demanding legacy of St Francis not only involves each friar personally, but also becomes the main message that the community wishes to transmit to all those who visit La Verna.

Lunch break during the day, continuation of the pilgrimage to Pieve Santo Stefano and transfer to Pietralunga. Accommodation, dinner and overnight stay.

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We continue our journey through the Franciscan places in Umbria, from the wonderful town of Gubbio, whose history is closely linked to that of St Francis. According to the story told in Chapter XXI of the Fioriti, it was here, near the church of the Madonna della Vittoria, known as the Vittorina, that Saint Francis miraculously managed to tame a ferocious wolf that had been terrorising the inhabitants for some time. Free time for lunch. Accommodation in hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

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Breakfast at the hotel and meeting with the guide, departure for Biscina. Halfway between Assisi and Gubbio stands the castle of Biscina. The 12th century Biscina Castle, together with the surrounding castles of Giomici, Vallingegno, Petroia and Coccorano, was one of the strategic control points of the ancient road and the Chiascio river, which flows at the foot of the hill. The castle is included in the "Franciscan Path", which will connect Assisi and Gubbio internally, thus enabling the rediscovery of minor shrines and forgotten sheep-tracks. Accommodation in hotel, dinner and overnight stay.

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From Biscina begins a long descent with some ups and downs that takes us to the geographical area of Valfabbrica, on the border between Gubbio and Assisi. It is said that St. Francis stopped in Valfabbrica several times and is therefore to be considered an important stop for pilgrims. We continue along the Via di San Francesco, also known as the Path of Peace, for a stop in the medieval centre of Valfabbrica. Here we find the 14th-century Church of San Sebastiano, renovated in the 16th century by the confraternities of the Santissimo Sacramento and Buona Morte, and, just outside the walls, the 17th-century Church of the Madonna della Foce . Accommodation, dinner at the hotel and overnight stay.

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From Valfabbrica there are two paths leading to Assisi: a longer path that passes through the forest and another, defined as shorter, but very difficult and tiring. Either one or the other, the fact is that you have to cross the hill and then see the magical town of Assisi on the horizon. Free time for lunch. Arrival in Assisi, hotel accommodation and overnight stay.

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A day dedicated to the discovery of Assisi, the Franciscan place par excellence, not only in Umbria and Italy, but all over the world. In fact, St Francis was born in Assisi in 1182; in the place where his birthplace is believed to have been located, today stands the Chiesa Nuova. It is in Assisi that he was baptised, in the Cathedral of San Rufino; it is in its alleys that he spent his youth dreaming of a future as a valiant knight; it is here, where the Church of Santa Maria Maggiore stands today, in the Piazza del Vescovado, that he stripped himself, repudiating earthly goods for love of God and his brothers. It is still in Assisi, in the Church of San Damiano, that, praying before the Crucifix, she receives the task of renewing Christ's Church; it is in the town square that she begins her preaching and her work of charity and peace, and it is here, finally, that she dies in 1226. His remains are preserved in the Basilica of St Francis, but the saint still lives on in every stone of Assisi. We stroll through its enchanting alleys and visit the Franciscan sites.

Lunch in a local restaurant - drinks included.

After lunch we visit Santa Maria Degli Angeli. Inside the Basilica of Santa Maria degli Angeli, at the foot of Assisi, is the 'Porziuncola', a small church restored by St. Francis in which the saint founded the Order of Friars Minor in 1209, entrusting it to the protection of the Virgin Mary. The Portiuncula is the heart of Franciscanism, the place where Francis discussed with his friars the 'Rule' of the order and sought new life for the preaching of the Gospel in the world. The Basilica complex also houses the Rose Courtyard. According to sources, one night Francis, gripped by doubt and temptation, rolled among the brambles in the rose garden to test himself and not give in to what could have separated him from God and his mission. On contact with the saint's skin, the roses turned into thornless roses, giving rise to the 'Rosa Canina Assisiensis', which has continued to bloom only at the Portiuncula since then.

Departure and end of our services.

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Viale Patrono d'Italia 20 (06081) Assisi PG