Discover the beauty of these cities with a local guide. A walk through the city from one end to the other.
2 Hours
Meeting point
€ 25 per persona
Associazione Guide Turistiche dell'Umbria AGTU
Guida turistica
Spoken Languages
francese inglese portoghese russo spagnolo svedese tedesco
The Tourist Guide Association of Umbria, founded 35 years ago and based in Assisi, is an important point of reference for tourist information as well as, when required, for booking guided tour services.

A walk through the city from one end to the other. The churches where the mortal remains of the order's founders, St Francis and St Clare, are enshrined are the backdrop to a route that includes the Piazza del Comune (the hub of the city even in modern times) and Via San Francesco lined with mediaeval houses and 17th-century aristocratic palaces.

Meeting point: Assisi (Piazza di Santa Chiara), every day at 10.30 a.m. and 3.30 p.m.

The price does not include: € 2.50 per person for booking the entrance to the Basilica and radio rental, compulsory for the guided tour of the monument.

Guided tours of the interior are suspended on Sundays and public holidays.

What is included

The tour includes a visit to a single city, lasting two hours, to admire the most striking and important points of each one.

What is not included

Any entrance fees are not included.

For example The price does not include: € 2.50 per person for booking the entrance to the Basilica and radio rental, which is compulsory for the guided tour of the monument.


Reservation required

2 Hours

Scopri le bellezze di queste città con una guida locale!

Le visite possono essere effettuate tutti i giorni. La domenica e festività religiose, a causa delle celebrazioni eucaristiche, nei luoghi di culto, la guida potrà effettuare la spiegazione solo dall'esterno; i clienti potranno comunque visitare l'interno individualmente.

Contract terms

Children free of charge up to the age of 12. Visits can be made every day. On Sundays and religious holidays, due to Eucharistic celebrations, in places of worship, the guide may only explain from the outside; guests may still visit the inside individually.
