Umbria: l'alternativa intelligente alla Toscana
Scoprite l'Umbria con il tour di 6 giorni di Taste and Slow Italy: un'esperienza autentica tra borghi storici, natura incontaminata e delizie gastronomiche, l'alternativa intelligente e poco affollata alla Toscana.
6 Giorni
Meeting point
€ 1677
Tour operator specializzato in esperienze gastronomiche e culturali nella regione dell'Umbria.
Agenzia viaggio TASTE AND SLOW ITALY
Sistemazione Gruppi
Guide multilingua

Taste and Slow Italy, Tour Operator specializzato in Italia: pacchetti, tour, esperienze uniche.

Taste and Slow Italy - Tour Operator e DMC (Destination Management Company) – un team di esperti professionisti del turismo Italia, in grado di presentarti le migliori destinazioni italiane. Offriamo soluzioni di viaggio nella loro dimensione di autenticità, consulenti sia per Tour Operator sia per viaggiatori individuali, tour personalizzati e su misura per incontrare le vostre aspettative e i vostri interessi personali. La nostra sede è al centro d´Italia, proprio nel confine tra Umbria, Lazio e Toscana. Siamo in grado di offrire facilmente la migliore soluzione di viaggio: esperienze e tour, strutture ricettive e servizi, in tutta Italia. Massima attenzione ai dettagli, un servizio altamente personalizzato, affidabilità dei fornitori accuratamente selezionati nel corso degli anni. La nostra lunga esperienza in questo campo ci permette di proporre servizi di elevata qualità. Sappiamo bene che ogni viaggio è una scoperta e ogni vacanza un´esperienza che deve essere unica.

Immergetevi nel fascino autentico dell'Italia con l'esclusivo tour Umbria Charme di 6 giorni e 5 notti di Taste and Slow Italy. Perfetto per i viaggiatori che desiderano esplorare le alternative meno affollate e pittoresche alla Toscana, questo tour offre una profonda immersione nella ricca bellezza culturale e naturale dell'Umbria, il “Cuore Verde d'Italia”.Punti salienti del tourAssisi: La città di San Francesco, iniziate il vostro viaggio nell'incantevole città di Assisi, patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO, nota per il suo significato spirituale e per la sua splendida architettura medievale. Esplorate la Basilica di San Francesco, la Chiesa di Santa Clara e godetevi l'atmosfera serena di questa storica meta di pellegrinaggio. Esplorazione di Spello, Bevagna, Spoleto e Norcia. Scoprite la bellezza variegata dei borghi umbri. Dalle strade fiorite di Spello alle delizie gastronomiche di Norcia, ogni tappa offre uno sguardo unico sulla ricca storia della regione e sulla vivace cultura locale. Perugia: Una città d'arte e di cioccolato. Scoprite Perugia, una città con radici etrusche e una fiorente scena culturale. Visitate la Basilica gotica di San Domenico, passeggiate nel centro storico e magari concedetevi una degustazione di cioccolato al festival Eurochocolate, famoso in tutto il mondo. Todi, Orvieto e Castiglione del Lago. Godetevi un tour di un'intera giornata alla scoperta di queste iconiche città. Ammirate l'imponente cattedrale gotica di Orvieto, passeggiate per le strade medievali di Todi e ammirate le viste mozzafiato dalla torre del castello di Castiglione del Lago. Perché scegliere l'Umbria? Meno affollata, più autentica: Sfuggite ai percorsi turistici della Toscana e abbracciate la tranquillità e l'autenticità dell'Umbria. Ricco patrimonio culturale: Dalle antiche mura etrusche all'arte rinascimentale, l'Umbria è un tesoro della storia italiana. Delizie gastronomiche: Assaporate i famosi tartufi, i vini e i cioccolatini della regione, godendo dell'ospitalità della gente del posto.
Condizioni contrattuali
Le cancellazioni, con effetto dal ricevimento della notifica scritta, sono soggette alle seguenti penali sull'intero prezzo del viaggio: 30% di acconto non rimborsabile da versare al momento della conferma- 60-46 giorni prima dell'arrivo: 50% di penale- 45-31 giorni prima dell'arrivo: penale del 75%- 30 giorni o meno prima dell'arrivo: penale del 100%.   Tutte le cancellazioni devono essere comunicate per iscritto e confermate da Taste and Slow Italy-Alessandra Galassi.Taste and Slow Italy-Alessandra Galassi non sarà responsabile per cancellazioni non confermate addebitando al cliente l'importo totale.
Cosa è incluso

·         2 nights at “Alexander” hotel (Assisi) or same level, Classic double room, BB treatment ·         3 nights at “Locanda della Posta” hotel (Perugia) or same level, Classic double room, BB treatment ·         Private guided tours: Assisi (day 1) and Perugia (day 3) ·         Private driver transfers as per itinerary, Luxury comfortable cars or van ·         Train tickets from/to Roma Fiumicino airport

Cosa non è incluso

Optional ·         Medical and baggage insurance ·         Cancellation insurance ·         Other tailored services or experiences (to book previously), the services requested on site will be quoted apart ·         Private Tour leader/guide, day 2 & 4 ·         Wine & chocolate tasting, day 2 ·         Chocolate tasting, day 4 Private transfer from Rome airport to Assisi

The Tour does not include ·         Everything not mentioned in “the tour includes” ·         Flight tickets ·         Tourist accommodation taxes ·         Medical-luggage and cancelation insurance ·         Optional tours/experiences

6 Giorni

Immergetevi nel fascino autentico dell'Italia con l'esclusivo tour Umbria Charme di 6 giorni e 5 notti di Taste and Slow Italy. Perfetto per i viaggiatori che desiderano esplorare le alternative meno affollate e pittoresche alla Toscana, questo tour offre un'immersione profonda nella ricca bellezza culturale e naturale dell'Umbria, il “Cuore Verde d'Italia”. Punti salienti del tour Assisi: La città di San Francesco, iniziate il vostro viaggio nell'incantevole città di Assisi, patrimonio mondiale dell'UNESCO, nota per il suo significato spirituale e per la sua splendida architettura medievale. Esplorate la Basilica di San Francesco, la Chiesa di Santa Clara e godetevi l'atmosfera serena di questa storica meta di pellegrinaggio.Esplorazione di Spello, Bevagna, Spoleto e Norcia Scoprite la bellezza variegata dei villaggi umbri. Dalle strade fiorite di Spello alle delizie gastronomiche di Norcia, ogni tappa offre uno sguardo unico sulla ricca storia della regione e sulla vivace cultura locale. Perugia: Una città d'arte e di cioccolato Scoprite Perugia, una città con radici etrusche e una fiorente scena culturale. Visitate la Basilica gotica di San Domenico, passeggiate nel centro storico e magari concedetevi una degustazione di cioccolato al festival Eurochocolate, famoso in tutto il mondo. Todi, Orvieto e Castiglione del Lago. Godetevi un tour di un'intera giornata alla scoperta di queste iconiche città. Ammirate l'imponente cattedrale gotica di Orvieto, passeggiate per le strade medievali di Todi e ammirate le viste mozzafiato dalla torre del castello di Castiglione del Lago. Perché scegliere l'Umbria? Meno affollata, più autentica: Sfuggite ai percorsi turistici della Toscana e abbracciate la tranquillità e l'autenticità dell'Umbria. Ricco patrimonio culturale: Dalle antiche mura etrusche all'arte rinascimentale, l'Umbria è un tesoro della storia italiana. Delizie gastronomiche: Assaporate i famosi tartufi, i vini e i cioccolatini della regione, godendo dell'ospitalità della gente del posto.


After your arrival at Rome airport (or Florence or Pisa airports) you will take the train to Assisi (optional private driver). 

Just arrived in Assisi (at the train station) you will meet your private driver luxury car. Transfer to your 4 stars hotel in the town center. In the afternoon you will meet your private English speaking guide to visit Assisi that will give you the chance to discover the best of this charming medieval village.   

 Assisi is the city of Saint Francis of Assisi is and it’s a continuous destination of pilgrims who want to know the place where St. Francis was born, he lived and he died. This small village, located at the foot of Mount Subasio, has been included in the list of World Heritage of UNESCO, as it constitutes a unique example of historical continuity, a sanctuary city, from its origins to the present day. During this visit at Assisi you will have the opportunity to visit places like the Basilica of Saint Francesco d’Assisi, the church of Santa Clara, Piazza Maggiore, the Cathedral and many other places of historical and religious importance.   After this visit you will have the rest of the afternoon at leisure to enjoy this enchanting  medieval town.  

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After breakfast you will meet your private English speaking driver. 

 Today you will live a tour through the Umbrian countryside to discover some of the most charming villages of the Umbria region. An amazing Full Day experience.   

 The first stop will be in Spello a charming little town located a few kilometers from Assisi. Just 10 km from Assisi, Spello is a small medieval town considered one of the most traditional town of Umbria. The city has a rich cultural heritage and celebrates regularly many festivals, concerts and events. One of the peculiarities of this village are its colorful streets carpeted with flowers, especially in spring it becomes a wonderful spectacle of nature. Walking at your own you will discover the medieval church of Santa Maria Maggiore near the main square, which has a Romanesque portal and a bell tower of the XIII century. You can walk along the edge of the city bounded by huge walls incredibly well preserved than in the past defended the city from attacks.   

 The journey will continue towards another beautiful village: Bevagna. Strategically located in the center of Umbria, not far from the region’s major centers of touristic interest, the Medieval village of Bevagna (Province of Perugia) is distinguished for its abundance of monuments, the quality of its historically-artisanal products, and for its sought-out enogastronomic traditions. Not only, but it is surrounded by its old city walls, in part recalling traces of the Roman Age, and it expresses its own special cultural and recreational vitality. All these aspects have long made Bevagna an ideal destination for Italian and foreign visitors alike that come here seeking authenticity, well-being and the good life. Its delicious cuisine and the genuineness of its high-quality products blend with the environmental beauty and pristine landscape, to create a pleasantly-healthy and wholesome place.   

 The next stop will be Spoleto. A picturesque village with a millenary history with medieval and Renaissance architectural remains well preserved. Its paths of stone and its most famous monuments are the stage for international cultural events such as Festival dei due Mondi (Festival of Two Worlds), a great opportunity to immerse yourself in an atmosphere of high artistic quality. It’s “must-see” sites are: the Cathedral, the Roman Theatre, the impressive Tower Bridge an aqueduct of 230 m long and 82 m height, among others.  

 And Finally, you will visit Norcia. It’s famous for its cold cuts and for the truffle, commonly known by locals as the black gold of Norcia. During the available time you will visit the Basilica of San Benedetto, Piazza di San Benedetto and the Tempietto. Then a visit to the magical village of Castelluccio to admire that incredible landscape! This period it is a good and ethical idea to visit Norcia supporting local tourism and economy. After the recent earthquake Norcia needs to be valued, this old mountain village preserves all its fascinating landscape. For all those that wonder if Norcia is a safe place, we answer that the earthquake affected only the ancient stone houses. Nowadays all the facilities are absolutely safe and functional. A travel in Umbria is an intelligent, less crowded and less expensive alternative to Tuscany. See the picture in the first page. It is a real landscape of Norcia upland. But it is possible admire these colors on June and early July ! Other months it is less colored, but enchanting the same, guaranteed!   Optional add on: private native Guide in each destination above   Our tip: you can ask to Taste and Slow Italy Sales Team any suggestions on what to visit and the best places to have perfect local food and wine, or where to do “authentic” shopping. Those villages are pretty small and locals are famous for their hospitality, you can have a nice tour even alone. Otherwise you can opt for a private guide or tour leader, booking it previously.      

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After breakfast you will meet you private English speaking driver who will transfer you to your excellent 4 stars hotel in Perugia. 

Time for check-in and rest before meeting your private local guide for a guided tour within the Etruscan walls town centre, the heart of this beautiful city.   With its Etruscan and Roman walls, a gorgeous Medieval center, Perugia is not only a city for the gluttonous (re: chocolate), but for artists and art lovers alike. This splendid capital of the Region of Umbria is also a culture capital par excellence, and the seat of two important universites: Università degli Studi, founded in 1308, and the University for Foreigners, the foremost in Italy. More well-known, though, is old Perugia, surrounded by two perimeter walls. The exterior of the two, from the Medieval Age, remains intact over an expanse of a few kilometers, and along it one encounters several different entrances or portals, including the Cassero di Porta Sant’Angelo. The interior wall is the Etruscan perimeter (the Etruscans built seven different portals through which to enter), characterized by the large masses used in its construction. Nevertheless, not many monuments dating back to this ancient epoch actually remain, and most of the older urban core that is still extant harks back to the Middle Ages. 

The historic center, in fact, is a 14th-Century borgo, and one of the prettiest in Italy. Entering from the Porta San Pietro, one will find the Gothic Basilica of San Domenico, on the inside of which are statues and works by esteemed local artists – among these the wooden choir stalls stand out. In the architectural complex of San Domenico, the cloisters and the convent host the National Archaeological Museum of Umbria. Visitors should be sure to see Piazza Matteotti as well, with its 15th-Century Palazzo dell’Universita Vecchia, and Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo. Then, one of Italy’s most important, Piazza IV Novembre, is the city’s monumental social hub. On this central piazza sits Palazzo dei Priori, the symbol of governmental power; the cathedral (religious power) and; at its nucleus, the Maggiore Fountain, completed in the 1200s and fed by the aqueduct originating on Monte Pacciano. Palazzo dei Priori is also the seat of Umbria’s National Gallery; its interior boasts valuable works of art realized by artists with strong ties to the Umbrian territory. Among the masterpieces, one should note: the Polyptych of St. Anthony by Piero della Francesca, and the Polyptych of San Domenico by Beato Angelico. Perugia, besides its vast artistic heritage, hosts events of international renown, especially Eurochocolate (every October) and Umbria Jazz (mid-July). From the city’s clubs, to the theaters, streets and piazzas, the entire historic center beats and resounds during the lively days of Umbria Jazz, creating a magical and electric atmosphere that merges with the places and history of Perugia. For ten days the city center becomes a musical village, with concerts and performances one after another, every hour of the day until late into the night.   After the visit you can enjoy a lunch at leisure in one of the stylish restaurants downtown or continue walking through the interesting alleys of the city. A nice suggestion is to visit Umbria’s National Gallery or one of the other enchanting museums.  

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After breakfast, get ready for a full-day tour in the Umbria region. A full day tour escorted by a private driver. 

 From Perugia you will head the small town of Todi, where you will have free time for a visit to the historic center. A picturesque medieval hill, surrounded by medieval, Roman and Etruscan walls. Although it’s a hill town, its center at the top of the hill is flat. The central piazza, originally the Roman forum, has several beautiful medieval buildings. Sights are close together and there are good places to linger, enjoying the views or the ambiance. Todi or the surrounding countryside would make a peaceful base for visiting southern Umbria. Some of the most important monumental works of Todi dating from the XII and XIV centuries, which include Palazzo dei Priori, the Palazzo del Capitano del Popolo, the Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta and the Temple of San Fortunato.   After the visit to Todi, with your driver you will head towards Orvieto, one of the oldest cities in Italy, which owes its origins to the Etruscan civilization. Thanks to its location, to its Etruscan roots, to their wells and artificial caves, to its medieval character, but above all thanks to its imposing cathedral, a jewel of Gothic architecture, Orvieto is one of the most interesting Italian cities. In the XIII and XIV centuries, the city was one of the most important of the Italian peninsula, undisputed military power and more populous than Rome (30,000). Here kings (Louis IX of France) Popes (Martin IV) were crowned and the Third Crusade was proclaimed.                                                                  

After the visit to Orvieto you will head to Castiglione del Lago. Castiglione del Lago is located on a limestone promontory, above the ruins of several Etruscan tombs. The castle can also be admired from here, as well as the medieval walls of Palazzo Ducale, which is connected by a local pathway to Rocca del Leone fortress, one of the most important examples of Umbrian military architecture. The landscape from the highest castle tower is amazing, do not forget the camera!   

 Our tip: you can ask to Taste and Slow Italy Sales Team all suggestions on what to visit (museums and particular sites) and the best places to have perfect local food and wine, or where to do “authentic” shopping. Todi, Orvieto and Castiglione del Lago are pretty small and locals are famous for their hospitality, you can have a nice tour even alone. Otherwise you can opt for a private guide or tour leader, booking it previously.   After this full day tour you will come back to Perugia.

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All day ate leisure in Perugia, today you will have the possibility to enjoy the center-town by your own, maybe walking through the alleys and squares or tasting typical Umbrian cuisine. 

 Our Team will be glad to suggest you the best way to spend your time in accordance with your personal interests! Perugia is full of hidden pearls: history, religious sites, ancient captivating mysteries…  

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Breakfast at the hotel and check out. After that you will meet your private driver who transfer you to the train station to take your train towards the Roma Fiumicino airport (or Florence or Pisa).   

 Optional add on: private driver transfer to Rome airport

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Via Borghetto, 30A (06022) Fossato di Vico PG