Erkundung des schönen und charmanten Umbriens mit alten und neuen Traditionen, Landschaften, Geschichte, Religion, Essen, Wein, Dörfern und der herzlichen Gastfreundschaft der Menschen vor Ort
4 Days
€ 340 per persona
Umbriaction incoming department of Ciak Viaggi - Operatore turistico in Umbria con 20 anni di esperienza, specializzato in escursioni attive.
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sistemazioni individuali

agenzia viaggi con 23 anni di esperienza

Inbound Tour Operator to Umbria and central Italy with 20 years of experience in handling any reservation for individual travellers or groups thanks to direct contracts with our suppliersWe have also a special branch dedicated to Active Tourism: Hiking, Trekking, Cycling and much more

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BITTE BEACHTEN: Angesichts der Art des Angebots und der Wahl der Unterkunft versteht sich der Preis als "ab".


PRICE INCLUDES 3 overnights as per program in a charming agriturismo (it is possible to choose among different properties in the area of assisi or Gubbio), breakfast, 1 dinner with a 3 course menu (beverages are not included), 1 visit to a wine estate with a picnic including wine, 1 show cooking including dinner, 1 hald day hiking/cultural guide to explore Assisi, assistance of UmbriAction.   

PRICE DO NOT INCLUDE City tax, meals when not mentioned, beverages, tickets and what is not mentioned  in the " Price Includes"

Was ist enthalten

BITTE BEACHTEN: Angesichts der Art des Angebots und der Wahl der Unterkunft versteht sich der Preis als "ab".

Was ist nicht enthalten

DAY 1: Arrival in Umbria and accommodation in your agriturismo in the area of Assisi. Welcome drink. Time at leisure to visit the surroundings before the typical dinner in the agritursimo to celebrate your holidayIn the morning 

DAY 2: Urban trekking in Assisi with your hiking guide to discover the most beautiful hidden corners of the town including the cathedral dedicated to Saint Frances that preserves the amazing frescos of Giotto and his school and the Hermitage, on the Subasio slopes, where the saint used to pray. Assisi is a Unesco protected heritage site for its valuable history and as an art coffer.  Time at leisure to gather all the images and emotions that Assisi can give you.In the afternoon show cooking to learn the special precious recipes of umbria tradition. You will learn how to make handmade noodles and the typical bread named Torta al testo

DAY 3: Today you have a fantastic wine tour to discover the beauty of the Sagrantino Wine Road and its fabulous landscape made of olive groves and vineyards. At lunch time visit to one of the most traditional wine estates near Montefalco; here you will visit the cellar and learn about the production of this fine wine. Lunch with a picnic in the private estate with typical food and wine. Afternoon at leisure to discover the area including Montefalco, known as the “Umbria terrace” for the breathtaking view over the valley, hills and mountains of Umbria, and Bevagna, that preserves roman mosaics and very interesting historical workshops where leather, wax, paper etc. are worked according to the ancient medieval and renaissance traditions

DAY 4: Departure 

4 Days

Exploring beautiful and charming Umbria


Ankunft in Umbrien und Unterbringung in Ihrem Agriturismo in der Umgebung von Assisi. Begrüßungsgetränk. Freie Zeit, um die Umgebung von Assisi zu besichtigen und ein typisches Abendessen in Ihrem Agriturismo, um die Aromen Umbriens zu entdecken.

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Trekking urbano a Assisi con la tua guida esperta alla scoperta degli angoli più suggestivi e meno esplorati che rendono assisi davvero unica al mondo. Visita alla splendida basilica dedicata a San Francesco che conserva gli affreschi di Giotto e della sua scuola e all'Eremo sul Monte Subasio, dove il Santo soleva ritirarsi in preghiera. Assisi è protetta dall'Unesco per il suo grande valore storico e culturale, scrigno di immenso valore artistico. Tempo a tua disposizione per godere degli splendidi scorci medievali che offre la città e del panorama sulla Valle Umbra . Nel pomeriggio rientro in agriturismo per una divertente lezione di cucina umbra Tradizionale. Cena con la pasta fatta a mano e il pane tupico locale, cotto sotto la cenere, la Torta al Testo.

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Montefalco e Bevagna

Der heutige Tag ist einer unterhaltsamen Entdeckungstour der Weinkeller entlang der Sagrantino-Weinstraße in und um Montefalco gewidmet. Das Mittagessen ist in einem der traditionellsten Weinkeller der Gegend geplant, um die Aromen und Geschmäcker dieser herrlichen Ecke Umbriens zu genießen. Das Mittagessen wird ein Picknick mit typischen Produkten und Wein sein. Der Nachmittag steht zur freien Verfügung, um das Gebiet von Montefalco zu erkunden, das einen fantastischen Blick über das gesamte Tal bietet. Montefalco, die Weinhauptstadt Umbriens, wird auch die Terrasse von Umbrien genannt. Auch das nahe gelegene Bevagna ist einen Halt wert, um die Atmosphäre der Renaissance und die typischen Werkstätten zu entdecken, in denen Papier, Kerzen usw. noch nach alter Tradition hergestellt werden.

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via XX settembre 33 (06063) Magione PG